Swot Analysis
November 16, 2017

QR code-quick response

Today current marketing craze–the quick response (QR) code black and white square now seen everywhere from Material and parts purchased from vendors.

QR codes are two-dimensional, allowing them to hold thousands of alphanumeric characters. This increased volume allows a QR code to hold so much information about material details.

In recent years, however, the QR code has transitioned into a handy little marketing tool, great for increasing customer engagement and providing additional information. By placing a QR code on a machine’s safety label,

For example, a company can link users instantly to relevant information such as product safety warnings, machine operating instructions, equipment user manuals or even training materials and videos. Or a manufacturer might use QR codes to direct users to landing pages that provide:

  • Production history and specifications
  • Service history and maintenance schedules
  • Parts ordering and replacement information
  • Customer service and support details
  • Brand messaging


How To use the QR code

Customers must have a smartphone. The newer versions come equipped with a QR reader, but older smartphone users might need to download an easy-to-use app such as NeoReader, QR Reader,  QR App.

How to Make a QR Code

Many apps and online generators are available for free to make QR Codes.  Not all generators are equal.  The best  QR generator available is  QuickMark.  


What is the difference between a QR code and a barcode

However a significant difference in the two is that while a bar code only holds information nicely in the horizontal direction, a QR can do so vertically as well. This is why QR codes are referred to as two-dimensional, because they carry information both vertically and horizontally.

