paper Industry Introduction

India is fastest growing pulp and paper market in the world with growth rate of 10% over one year in per capita consumption, which is expected to grow in future. The Indian paper industry is among the top 15 global players today, with an output of more than six millions tonnes annually with an estimated turnover of Rs 150,000 million. Projected demand of 13 million tonnes by 2020. Growth rate of pulp & paper Industry is around CAGR of 7-8 percent. Total Installed capacity of pulp and paper industry is around 9.18 million tones and is expected to increase to 11.5 million tonnes by 2018-19.

Paper is a major product of the forestry industry, and is used widely in our society.  Paper products are used not only in their obvious applications in the publishing industry and for writing on, but also in a variety of specialty papers, cardboard, brown papers etc.

Paper is made from wood using the “Kraft” process.  This is a part mechanical, part chemical process that produces a strong pulp.  It has several disadvantages, in terms of complexity and set up costs as well as having a low pulp yield and producing unpleasant-smelling sulphur compounds, but it is still internationally the most widely used pulp and paper process.

Wood derivatives dissolved in the pulping liquors, including oligosaccharides, simple sugars, low-molecular-weight lignite derivatives, acetic acid and solubilized cellulose fibres, are the main contributors to both biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD).